Why You Should Play Genshin Impact

A while back, I wrote a short and sweet post on why one should play the mobile game of Mystic Messenger. Today, I am here with another short and sweet post on another mobile (and console/pc) game call Genshin Impact. Unless you have been living under a rock, you most likely have heard of Genshin Impact if you are into gaming/anime/both. I myself am exposed to it through my Facebook feed as well as Crunchyroll commercials. Genshin Impact really knows how to market itself doesn’t it? Nonetheless, I resisted. I did not want to give it a chance because I am a working adult now and I know I get easily addicted to high commitment games. Too late. I started playing a month ago and I am officially addicted and committed. Still a working adult though unfortunately!

There is a lot of reasons to dislike Genshin Impact at first. Isn’t it so like us to be skeptical and wary of cute, shiny things that everyone else seem to like? I need to be the cool one and not play that thing that everyone else is playing. Or maybe that is just me. Moreover, the storyline starts off admittedly a bit cheesy and one-dimensional. It does not draw you in with an addicting, mysterious plot like a lot of other video games out there. The plot does not seem that innovative at first. On top of that, there is not a lot of hand holding either to help you figure out all the mechanics of the game. In other words, Genshin Impact throws you in into its universe and you try to figure out on your own how to navigate this vast and sparkly world. Am I scaring you away or making you more intrigue?

If the answer is that you are more intrigue on why you should play Genshin Impact, read on. I am not sure if it is done on purpose or not, but the game itself does so little to show you which direction you should take that this becomes the main reason why I seek out the help of others who are already playing it. You instantly become part of the community from this point forward. I personally believe it has grown exponentially and draw the attention of so many people around the world is because there is no one method or one linear path to play Genshin Impact. Some people prefer to grind solo for artifacts. Others prefer to push forward with their friends to tackle the strongest quests and bosses. Most people want to wish in the shop until they are lucky enough to grab all the team members they want. Overall, even though in the end, you must do everything to optimize the game and its abundant features, you can go about it any way you want. I personally have done nothing to my teapot home, but I bet there are people who are furnishing the heck out of that. I enjoy the fact that I can log onto Genshin Impact and do something that someone else would not spend their time doing. A good friend of mine refuses my help and wants to play the game alone and that is okay with me. There is a sense of joy in planning out your own journey through the game. Everyone’s path through Genshin Impact is different.

Speaking of word of mouth, Genshin Impact thrives on its community above all else. The community is extremely friendly and social. Everyone has their own favorite character and team formation. People offer to help you even if they are complete strangers. But best of all, if you are like my friend and you choose to play the game alone, you can actually go through the game alone without befriending anybody. I beg to differ though. The strongest aspect of Genshin Impact is the fact that you can socialize and co-op with a different person every day if you choose. You can talk about the game. You can play the game together. You may never meet or only help each other out that one time, but the fact that you are both playing the game and agreeing to team up is something special. The battle system in Genshin Impact is absolutely fantastic and is both solo and team-friendly. I have played for a month now and I am not sick of battling hilicurls at all.

Another strong suit that Genshin Impact can flaunt is its eye-catching game design and beautiful sound track. I can say without a doubt that Genshin Impact has some of the best character designs and dungeon designs I have seen and I have played the Tales series my entire life. What do I mean by that? At least to me, you cannot confuse any of the Genshin Impact characters with characters from other video games. The designs are so distinct and unique. The voice acting fits every character I have met thus far. I love it! For an anime/game community, aesthetics is extremely important and Genshin Impact is at the top in terms of aesthetics. I do think that the artwork might be a bit too girlish for a good chunk of the male audience, but if boys can look past that, they will be in for a treat.

Overall, Genshin Impact is time well spent. There is always something to do and the creators behind it put a lot of time and effort into it and it shows every step of the way. I cannot wait to see where they want to take all of us with the storyline and world building. The game is still ongoing with updates every six weeks or so. At this rate, five years from now, the game might still be updating and I am sure most of us will still be playing it whenever a new update comes along. When Genshin Impact sucks you in, it does not let go. You don’t want to let go anyways. Will we ever see the ending? Let’s find out in five years! For now, go and download it if you haven’t already! It doesn’t cost a dime! And you don’t have to have a console to do it! See you there!

List of other strong suits that Genshin Impact offers:

  • Well thought-out weapon and equipment system
  • Daily activities
  • Memorable character storylines
  • Not pay to win/move on
  • Versatile platforms to play on from PC to Mobile
  • Luck-based store make it impossible for anyone to have identical teams
  • Open world but with direction
  • Engaging battle system

Rating: 8.8/10

P.S. Add me as a friend if you play the America server. Just leave me a comment with your ID number and I will add you!

Published by Anaitic

Hiya! This is Anaitic reporting! I am your typical SoCal Asian gal who loves cats and dogs, LA Clippers, healthy food, and sunshine! But most importantly and more relevant to all of you is my hidden but not so hidden pleasure of being an underground geek! Anime/Video games? Yes! K-Drama/Kpop? Yeah duh! MBTI? Yup yup. Thus, this English major wants to learn more as well as share my limited knowledge of my nutty guilts! So let us do this together, both experienced fans and newcomers, and have lots of fun!

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